Thursday, February 11, 2010

When We Were 3

Last Saturday, both Bentley and Cares were invited to a birthday party. Joseph dropped the kids off, picked up Livs (fresh from her morning nap) and me and we were off. We grabbed lunch at Gandolfo's in Draper and then popped over to JoAnns to return some things and peruse the store for a while. It was lovely. Just Joseph and me with one baby in tow. It felt like a date! We talked to each other, then cooed over Livs, and discussed serious, pertinent things as we drove around--because we simply had a baby in our car who didn't care one bit about the things we were saying. And she never interrupted us or asked us "who" and "what" we were talking about. Delightful. For our 90 minutes as a trio I was reminded of not too long ago when my family really was just 3--Mommy, Daddy and 1 adorable baby Bentley. Is it sad that I miss those days, especially when I gain a glimpse of them here and there?

It was just so easy and I really had no idea how idyllic it was until I had 2 children. I do think my hubby and I made the most of our 1 child state--lugging our tiny one all over the city (and the state...and Arizona and Mexico...) with us and making the very most of every free minute we had together. It helped that Bentley was the world's most content little guy and could fall asleep anywhere when it was nap time (namely his carseat, stroller, or hiking daughters are quite the opposite on this front and simply wait for their beds before sleeping--no matter how tired they are...) Such good memories. I do love my 3 darlings with all my heart, don't get me wrong. But everything we do as a family just takes so much more effort than it did back in the day.

This Saturday Cares and Beans are once again invited to a birthday party. And I am getting excited for our little window of enjoying just our one babe for a bit.


ba and the boys said...

i so understand your feeling. even with only 2 kids, sometimes it is just so nice to talk and hold hands w/o another person trying to interrupt and pull you another way.
enjoy your free time this weekend!

Flori said...

I get this. When you have your first, it seems so hard to do everything with a child, but by the time you've had several, outings with only one seems so peaceful and easy! Rob and I have been enjoying lunch dates this year with only Bea in tow. She is so much like Maddie that sometimes it seems we are in a time warp.

Heidi said...

I love being three, so so much. I wasn't ready for us to be 4 but here it is going to happen. I get emotional thinking how these are my last days with just my guys.

Nicole said...

I don't have a clue what is actually awaiting us. I will definitely miss us as 3 but here we go onto 5.

Unknown said...

I love that pic and Bentley's cute chubby face. I am seeing the resemblance to Mason.
I am loving being a family 3, but I am still figuring it out. It is quite a change from being just a family of 2!

Bobbi said...

The 2 phase, and then the fun 3 phase, are idyllic and too brief. After that, you take what you can when you can--some at school, one home! some at youth conference, one or two left home! It is a change and an effort. But, growing old has some great benefits--time together, mostly uninterrupted. It's sweet and appreciated by us. Hang in there--20 more years...