Thursday, April 14, 2011

Latest Reads

Who hasn't read these yet, right? Joseph read them last summer and ever since I have had the books sitting on my bedside table. Why it took me that many months to finally dig in I honestly don't know--maybe I was overwhelmed by all 3 books stacked up together or maybe I knew once I started reading it would be hard to spend my freetime doing anything else.

While in Phoenix I finally started reading and in 2 weeks I was done with all 3. Done and done. They were great books with a very cool storyline--which I especially enjoyed in book 1. I just wish that after all those pages and all that occurred between Katniss and Peeta that the ending could have done them some justice. I am definitely a romantic and expect great drama and powerful moments between people in love--which the last book failed in miserably. One paragraph to describe how they end up together was not enough--I'd prefer a whole chapter, thank-you.

Anyone know when the movies are coming out? They could be captivating...


Heidi said...

I don't know the release dates of the movie but I have been following the casting. Love having a book turned movie trilogy to look forward to!

Bobbi said...

I completely agree with you about the ending--was that so unsatisfying? All that drama, angst, terror, suffering, pain, and caring--for a paragraph of resolution/happiness/love? Booo. Loved this story, can't wait for the movies (the rumors say March 2012).

Anonymous said...

Loved loved loved the story (and Cinna's character) and then felt betrayed by the author at the end. Show us the love and the drama. Very anticlimactic.

I am excited to see the movie version as well.

Krista said...

Lived these books too but I totally agree about the ending. I also wanted a little more passion! Bring it. I'm married right! ;)

Megan B ♥ said...

Ditto to everything you said.