Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lake Training

I loved training at the lake last weekend. The biking was awesome--probably because my mom let me borrow her fancy Colnago bike. I have never been so sweaty in my entire life as I was riding that thing up on the houseboat. It wasn't that I felt too hot but that the air was so humid with all the monsoon activity. And I guess it was pretty hot, even at 9 am.

I think I fell in love with lake swimming this past weekend too. I loved the rocking lull of the water and the idea of spotting a sight in the distance and then swimming out to it. The water temp in Powell is simply amazing this time of year. No wonder we spent so much of every day playing in it.

And here are the pics my mom nabbed of the kiddos trying out waterskiing. We'll see if they can last a little bit longer on the water instead of in it next year. But I just think they are really brave to try--I never tried until the age of 12 so they are way ahead of me!




Heidi said...

O so funny- I kept thinking how wonderfully dry the air felt in Lake Powell and here you are talking about the humidity.

Bobbi said...

Care, you just needed to go jump in the lake! (And then get back on the bike.) The increased humidity at the end of the week did make the biking harder--we should have plugged in that fan. The trainer does take away the cooling effect of passing through the air. I admired your competitive commitment to your training, and your impressive swimming skills (although swim team was tough, look what a good swimmer it made out of you, even all these years later!). 11 days until the tri...
Your kidlets were quite brave for such young ages. A few more years and they will be ripping it up all over the lake. It was a great trip all around.

Anonymous said...

You are a brave soul to ride that bike in the heat! I think I would have just done the swimming portion to stay cooler.

I was watching a show last night on shark attacks and there was a great white attack on a man that was a triathlete training with a group of 9 people in the ocean in San Diego. He ended up dying but the other triathletes still train in those waters! Crazy. Stay in lakes and ponds for training, ok?