Sunday, November 1, 2009


Halloween 2009:

I wanted a chance to head out with the big kids this year so Joseph agreed to stay home with our little miss. We started at 6:00 pm, got in a good hour, and then felt done. It was a lovely evening and we were done before anyone even had the chance to feel cold (especially Bentley--who discovered the fun of running full pace to each door step along with the older kids) Cares informed me that her legs were tired after 5 houses. And surprisingly, a sucker from her bag renewed her energy completely. A sucker, and then Skittles, and then some gum...she is a candy eating machine :)

meeting up with neighborhood kids

Noah and Bentley

the loot

Cares was too tired to sit-up for this picture. Curiously, she was not too tired to keep shoving candy in to her mouth...


Heidi said...

O Cares is such the character.

Eating a little candy along the way always helped me feel renewed too ;-)

Anonymous said...

Cares should have been a drama queen for Halloween!!! Love her.

Wasn't it nice to have it a little warmer? Maddie didn't want to cover up her Dorothy dress but we didn't have to since it was mild. Did you see the forecast for this weekend? Almost 70? Crazy!

Bobbi said...

"Help me, Obi Wan, candy is my only hope!" It looks like they got plenty of loot to keep them on a sugar high for weeks! Fun Halloween!

Joseph said...

Oh man, you guys should have seen them at church. They were spinning around on the bench like tops. Imagine all these questions asked in like 20 seconds... Dad, what's this? who's that? where are my crayons? I wanna do a puzzle! Can I have some more candy?

Stacey said...

Such good looking kids. Gotta love Cares and all that candy she ate. Glad it was a good Halloween!