Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Bentley had some special guests at school today during his read-a-thon. I think my parents may have learned more than they ever needed to know about ocean life as Bean read to them, but look how snuggled up my little guy was with them. Love that.

My parents came to the house after being at the school and stayed with the kids while I went to work today. And they brought homemade dinner with them. I feel so lucky to have them so involved with my family and so willing to help. My kids all fell apart when they left for home this evening--they were not ready for grandma and grandpa to leave!


Heidi said...

That is classic they fell apart when grandma and grandpa left. EVen Livs?

Anonymous said...

So sweet of Mom and Dad to come out for that. Bean looks so thrilled to be with them.

I remember being super sad when we had to say goodbye to Tutu and Papa.

Bobbi said...

We had a great time with Bentley at school (yes, I did learn a lot!) and with all of them at your home. They were happy and pleasant, and so good for us. It was lovely to be there with them. How nice to hear that they were sad when we left. We will come back again!