Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sweet Sisters

These two have been catching my heart lately. I love to see them sitting, snuggling, or giggling and playing together--sounds that bring a smile to my face every time I hear them. Do my girls realize how lucky they are to be sisters? One day, they will share a room, and then secrets about boys they have crushes on. But I love that they have each other right now too--and that Livs squeals with delight each time we pick Cares up from school, and that Cares sweetly shares her belongings (even prized cuddly animals) with her eager little sis.

I am grateful for my daughters. I simply love to see them love each other.


Heidi said...

Ah cute little sisters. Let's just hope they don't come up with violent games like "don't let the other sister on the bed". ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

So sweet that they are close in age and can grow up together. They are cuties. Can Maddie be one of their adopted sisters when she has had enough brother time?

Bobbi said...

They are lucky to have each other. I hope they grow up to love each other like you and your sisters do.