Monday, November 22, 2010

First Big Snow

We woke up to a winter wonderland Sunday morning. Joseph shoveled half of the driveway before his early morning meetings and got to the rest in the late afternoon--when we could all go out and help/play a little.

The snowman with a creepy face
and Mt. Everest/Eiffel Tower in the background

I came out to help too--in purple tights no less!

It was Olivia's inaugural snow playing (last year she just seemed so small--and couldn't walk!) She donned her mittens for all of 5 minutes and then got really mad about them and refused to wear anything. And she lasted quite a while out there--mostly trudging all around and eating snow. I think toddlers all bundled up are just too cute:


Bobbi said...

We had a bunch, too, but it was quite melted off by the end of afternoon church. Glad you were all able to enjoy it, and record it. Fun times!

Heidi said...

I think eating snow is inherent in all people, kis just try it without anyone to tell them. Livs sure looks cute toddling around.

Krista said...

cute cute cute. Love toddlers in snow clothes and purple tights and big eiffel towers. :)

Anonymous said...

"Snow!" That is too cute.

That is one great Mt. Everest! And the snowman is totally spooky. We didn't make it outside to play in it Sunday but the kids all helped to shovel the driveway when they got home. I realized that I don't have any snow clothes that fit Connor (that weren't pink) so I need to work on that before he can go outside.