Thursday, November 20, 2008


It's been a slow blogging week for me. I think it's because we're in the short lull which falls between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Come next Thursday, we will be caught up in a flurry of activities and feasts, lasting for weeks into the new year--wahoo!! I can't wait--I love the holidays and family gatherings.

Lately we have been in and out and here and there but mostly making a lot of time for Cares to use the toilet. I am actually impressed that I know where so many public restrooms are--I guess after potty training Bentley that random info has stuck in my brain quite well (I wish other things would stick in my brain that well :) For example, up at the Park City outlets on Monday I knew right where to find the restrooms among all those stores. Caroline actually does really well when we are out and about and I am a vigilant mama dreading an accident among strangers. It's when we are home or hanging out at my mom's or sister's that I just let her run off and play and forget to attach my eagle eyes. And that's when we've faced a lot of undies to clean up. But so far the progress has been pretty good so I am encouraged and determined--the only things that could keep me in this whirlwind.

On a completely unrelated note, I taught my dance classes yesterday and it was Grandparent's Day so we had a lot of darling visitors come to watch their beautiful grandchildren move. Can I just say that I love watching those kids through their loving grandparents' eyes? (and parents' eyes too for that matter) They are filled with so much pride and love for them already but then those girls (and my one boy student) start moving and gliding through the space with no hesitation whatsoever and it is truly lovely to behold. I know I take it for granted since I see it every week but there is something magical and pure about it. I love it. I love my tiny little weekly job and that I get to teach through such a traditional and respected program that is Tanner Dance (after the famous and inspired Miss Virginia.)

I am thankful for my body.

And that I can move and dance with my students and grow a new little life inside me at the same time. I am in awe of it all.


Heidi said...

That is a wonderful thing Care! Our bodies are truly amazing and beautiful. I love mine even if it can't dance ;-)

Anonymous said...

Being so not a dancer, I am grateful that others can dance and I love watching Maddie explore the space around her. It is a magical thing and our bodies are wonderful.
I am sure you loved seeing your dancers through new eyes. I hope Mom got some good pictures of Maddie today during her grandparent visit!

Heidi said...

I did get good pics--I will post soon! I am glad that you still dance, Carrie, and that you share that gift and joy with others. Being with Maddie at her class, I for sure was one of those adoring grandparents.