Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I am thankful for my siblings.

Each time I am pregnant and feeling so very, well, pregnant, I remind myself how lucky I am to have brothers and sisters. They are and were a huge blessing in my life. And I know I want that for my own children too.

I had a big sis who taught me the love of grab-bags, trendy hand-me-downs, and how cool BYU dorm life was, a big brother who showed me how to roller-blade, win endless Nintendo games, and how cool Smashing Pumpkins was, a little sis who kept my love of Barbies and American Girl dolls alive, taught me all about MMC and JTT, and constantly showed me how much she loved me with sweet little notes and cards at random times, and a little brother who taught me how to care for babies when he was a newborn, entertained all my dates when I was a teenager, and always made me laugh over the silly things he and JJay came up with (aka playing midgets with their legs tucked into their sweatpants).

It's been a long time since we all lived together back on 2200 East and we have grown and changed a lot. There have been good times and bad times and distant and even very distant times since then. But there have also been a lot of laughs and new memories made. I am excited that we all get to gather together this weekend and enjoy each other for a few days.

I love each of them immensely.

Thank you Mom--for having all of us. I know it wasn't easy :)

my sisters

my brothers


Heidi said...

I am thankful for you as my sis! I can't imagine being an only child and giving your child siblings is a wonderful gift!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, how boring would it be to be the only child? Siblings enrich your life and teach you how to face challenging or conflicting personalities in the world ahead. And having sisters is such a blessing because they can relate to you in so many ways. Thanks for being the dearest friend, adviser, listener, and cheerleader for me. I truly appreciate it.

Can you believe we will all be at the "cavin" together? Wow!

ba and the boys said...

siblings rock!