Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Seth

Happy Birthday Seth!! Oh man--seems like yesterday when Mary introduced us to her Oregan boy. For a brief second she had me convinced that his middle name was "aniel" as in Sethaniel Braun. Good times! We have all loved having Seth around from the very beginning when he was thrown into the wide world of silly LeBarons in the summer of 2004.

I love how unassuming Seth is and how gullible he is too. I think we take advantage of his trusting nature too easily but he is learning how to get us back and it's been fun! Seth is one committed father and daddy--even to the point of giving in and taking over "diaper duty" when he had sworn it off entirely. I think he met his sweet little Tillie and realized he could never refuse her anything. Seth is very kind and seems to have a calming force around him. Maybe it's because he knows how to fix anything and everything :)

I love that Seth is very spiritual and that he has great faith. I remember asking him what the first thing was that attracted him to Mary and he quickly replied "her testimony." I have always thought that was such a tender answer and also so mature and meaningful. I love how he and Mary work as a team and constantly support and help each other. I also love that they aren't afraid to show their affection for each other and it reminds me to do so more in my own marriage.

Seth is an amazing person and my hubby, my children and I all love spending time with him. He is such a genuine and loyal person and we are lucky to have him in our family. Have a fabulous day Seth--I know Joseph is pleased to have you joining him in the 3-0 club!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Seth!

Heidi said...

Too bad he could not have a sweet 30th birthday rock climbing and swimming party! he he j/k, I am sure he is doing something fun

Seth said...

true dat, guys. my hubby rocks!!! thanks for recognizing him on his special day. My b-day party for him wasn't very impressive so we'll have to do something fun when we get home. love you! thanks again.

Mariposa said...

that was me (mary) writing about Seth. Not HIM writing about himself. I hope Seth doesn't have a rockin' hubby. yikes!!