Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our Baby

Remember back in April when Livs took her first steps? Well right after that she decided walking just wasn't for her. And she basically took to crawling with new gumption--still cruising around on everything in site but never trying anything on her own.

And then last weekend it was like she finally had the courage and just went for it. It is still such a new thing for all of us to see that we cheer and praise her all the time. She now thinks it's an integral part of her walking and likes to stop and wait for our applause before continuing on. Here's a little snippet of her success:

And this video from last month is just plain fun. When that Livs gets laughing...


Krista said...

oh my gosh the laughing is so cute. I love it. Yay liv's is walking! That's all she wanted lots of praise. Maybe I should stop walking and wait for praise. :)

Anonymous said...

So big! And her laugh is wonderful. More moments like that should be caught on film because these little ones are growing up too fast. I need to be better about that.

Heidi said...

Good job documenting these Care. It is good to know each milestone is as exciting with every passing child. So proud of that Livs. And couldn't get enough of her loving on Sadie the other day. Sweet sweet baby.