Monday, June 29, 2009

Little Hikers

I am so proud of my Bentley and Caroline--they hiked and hiked with us on Saturday and just made their little legs keep on moving. Cares rode in our hiking backpack for half of the way there and then half of the way back. And Bentley got a short little ride in it near the end--with his long legs dangling out.

The falls were gorgeous and voluminous--we had to eat our picnic lunches a ways back from them to avoid the freezing, misty, spray (which felt amazing when I arrived feeling quite sweaty from carrying a 15 pound baby :)

John and Krista, Sisi and Kai, and Bob all came with us. We had such a good time--we love that hike!


Heidi said...

Fun! I don't even know where that hike is. I want to go- I wonder how it would be to carry a 25 baby the whole way...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I really do want to take my kids up there this summer. Want to go again with us?

Bobbi said...

That is a beautiful place and we would love to do it with you, too! Brave hiker kids!