Tuesday, May 6, 2008

T-Ball Player

Bentley has become a little T-Ball player this year. It's new thing for us to pack up and head out to games twice a week and it's a totally new thing for my Beans to play baseball! He is getting the hang of it more and more with each game but there are still many clueless moments (which make the games pretty entertaining :) Bentley is a good sport to try something new but his favorite part of it all is hitting the playground next to the field as soon as his games are over.

Look how cute he is waiting for his chance to outfield:I love seeing Beans in his huge batting helmet--Joseph calls him "Dark Helmet"


Joseph said...

Hahahaha. I'm so glad you posted the picture of Rick Moranis here! Bentley is way more handsome though. For your readership: I think his favorite part of playing is walking through the "shortcut" - a narrow bouldered path that leads behind a chain link fence for about 30 yards before his playing field. On our trip through the shortcut yesterday he wanted me to copy his sweet moves. He was hopping on the rocks and doing crazy spinning jumps. Obviously, I couldn't replicate the sweetness.

Heidi said...

That is a pretty huge helmet on Beans. He is so cute. I always love his enthusiasm. I also love his tucked in shirt. Way to go Bean!

Bobby said...

Haha, Dark Helmet! That's classic!

Anonymous said...

Any reference to Spaceballs is great.
Love that huge helmet on Bean and love seeing him with the bat. Welcome to the next phase of your life with a boy in sports! Yay!

Krista said...

he's too little. isn't he? how is he already playing sports!!? Bentley you are growing way too fast but you sure are cute. love the helmet.

Bobbi said...

Beans is wayyyy cuter than dark helmet--but I get the resemblance. Little kids and sports are a set-up for laughable moments. Other than when he has to go home, his joie de vivre is apparent and infectious. Go, Bean! (just don't get "beaned").

Maggie said...

He is such a cutie. I'm with Krista...is he old enough for this? I bet it is so fun to watch him play.