Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Toy Room

Monday's cleaning project: the upstairs toy room. We have been sorting out old/broken toys as well as ones the kids are willing to donate. The process is nearly impossible for Bentley--he is a saver just like his dad. Although he has over a hundred Hot Wheels he could not bear to part with a single one. He did say that if Santa brought him 5 more, he would then choose 5 to give away...hmmm, think he's missing the point. We're still in the process of finding more to donate, but it helps tremendously to have a clean room to work in.

Sadly, this will not last more than 24 hours, especially if/when Livs heads in there to play. She prefers empty shelves and baskets...

Cares arranged her tea sets and kitchen just so. She is a dedicated little organizer. Love it.


Anonymous said...

Maddie is the same way! She LOVES to organize. It takes a lot longer than just cleaning but I love it.

Looks so good. I need to get to mine!

Heidi said...

Yay- fun with organizing! I am envious of the toy room status. By the time we have a house just for toys our kids will practically be teenagers.

Krista said...

oh it looks sooooo lovely. Isn't that such a fun place for them to play!

brittanydaw said...

it looks great! what a nice feeling (for that hour...) right? Hey, have you ever seen my toy room? We have some neat shelving--come over to see it--it would work well in your room.

Bobbi said...

It looks (looked) great! Those moments are so satisfying--and brief. It reminded me of the upstairs playroom on 22nd East, the giant messes and the infrequent but lovely cleaned-up version.

Flori said...

Awesome before and after shots. It is great to have a toy room though, because you can SHUT THE DOOR when it looks so messy and forget it for just a little while. But then when you open the door....oh dear. Cares can come organize our kitchen toys any time--I hate that job.