Monday, September 22, 2008


My hubby and I have spent the last two evenings immersing ourselves in the Lord of the Rings DVDs. Complete nerd alert, I know. But honestly, I don't care because I am remembering how much I really love that epic story.

So far, we have seen all of The Fellowship of the Ring and half of The Two Towers (extended versions FYI--they hover close to 4 hours in length). There are so many reasons why I love those movies--the general themes of honor, courage, bearing trials with hope, and the long awaited and hard earned triumph of good over evil ring true during each film. But I think my favorite aspect of them all has simply to do with the theme of friendship and loyalty to those bonds. Like when Boromir dies honorably with Aragorn at his side, when Gimli and Legolas defend (and jovially compete with) each other in every battle, and when Frodo and Gandalf finally see each other just after Frodo and Sam's heroic conquest. Plus, I just love it when the 4 hobbits finally reunite at the very end of the show. I could go on but those of you familiar with the movies know what I am talking about. They are films that lift my spirit and fill my heart--and that's a hard thing to come by these days.

Anyway, I am thoroughly enjoying our epic DVD journey--can't wait for our next installment which includes the amazing battle at Helm's Deep (see what I mean? I am becoming an LOTR junkie even as I type...)

Anyone want to share what they love about these movies? (has anyone seen them and not liked them? I can hardly imagine but it could be...) And if you haven't seen them, you can borrow mine--they are completely worth the effort.


Heidi said...

I love those movies too! Ben and i will watch one here and there when they are on tv, even though we own two of them. One of my favorite movies related to them is going to the premiere in London for Two Towers. Fun to see all the stars and stand in the rain and be surrounded by fellow fans ;-)

Em said...

i love those movies they are so good!

Flori said...

Weird. Just last night I was thinking that Rob and I should watch the trilogy again. There's something fun about really immersing yourself in the experience. My all time favorite part is Arwen's ride through the forest with the death eaters chasing her. (I can't remember what they are in LOTR). I about wet my pants in the theater, I was so scared for her!

Bobbi said...

I truly love the LOTR stories, too. The movies were thrilling, moving, exciting, and tender. Besides all the things you mentioned, I liked the part in the forest with Galadriel. Cate Blanchett and Liv Tyler played their parts so well.The books were even better, so uplifting and intelligent it was almost like reading the scriptures.

Heidi said...

Hm I meant to write "memories" not "movies" in my comment...

Anonymous said...

The first one was on TV a couple of weeks ago but we started it partway through, which doesn't really work for me. I like starting from the beginning because they have so much to offer. They are a huge time commitment though and that is why you really have to set aside a week or so to immerse yourself in them. Maybe this winter when I am home with a new baby...

Krista said...

ohh this sounds like fun. I would love to watch these again. It's been a long time since I can remember them but I DO remember the freaky spider. yikes!

Carol said...

I have a great story. I saw Return of the King in the theater...I actually saw all of them in the theater, but that is besides the point. Anyway, you know the part when the huge spider wraps Frodo up and he looks completely dead and Sam finds him and starts crying over him? Right at that moment the power went out at the theater!!! I know...can you believe it?!? Not only did it go out, it didn't come back on and so they hard to issue tickets to allow everyone to come back another time. I hadn't ever read the books, so I left that night knowing that Frodo was dead and that Sam was going to have to find a way to destroy the ring all on his own. I mean really, can you imagine a worse time for the power to go out?

ba and the boys said...

holy geek...i am proud to say i have never watched any of them. but chris is one who goes with guys from work, while they are suppose to be see these.

Bobby said...

I heart LOTR. I loved it so much that I had a replica of the ring Frodo has. I put it on my necklace and wore it around for a year or so. Whenever I would be wearing it people would ask me what it was. "It's the one ring to rule them all," I would respond. I said it to one girl and she said, "What mall?" She had no idea what I was talking about. Bless her heart.