Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sweet Sleeper

Transitioning out of a daily nap is not easy:
I think she's just too cute when she's out like that. Luckily Livs thrives on a 15 minute snooze and wakes up happy and bright. I think we are quite alike in that way :)


Heidi said...

I can relate with Livs- I'm 28 and still feel like I'm having a hard time transitioning out of a daily nap ;-)

Bobbi said...

So sweet! Little Cecily napped until she was 6, but Tye quit much earlier. You know they still frequently need some rest in the afternoon, but getting them to sleep is not always possible. Livs looks so relaxed--we would all like that afternoon nap ourselves!

Anonymous said...

I was just going to write the same thing as Heidi! Too funny. I love naps but now that baby is sleeping through the night, I don't take them anymore.

So precious to see your sleeping baby girl like that.