Friday, November 11, 2011


Today deserves a post simply for the date! I have always been a fan of numeric order in everyday life—my favorite time on the clock is 12:34. How I wish I could have had a baby today—but it just wasn't in the stars for me to get pregnant any sooner than I did so I will happily take my little winter baby instead.

1) I just ordered 2 of the 3 year-end books I make for my kids. Digital photo books are truly the only way to go these days. And my kids love them so it's definitely worth the effort.

2) We took the kids to the rec center for a swim last night but our fun was short-lived. After about 40 mins they shut it down due to poop in the pool. Boo (and gross).

3) The girls' closet is in full reorganization mode. We started working on it last Saturday and if we can get Joseph to install the new, lower hanging bar tomorrow, it will be complete.

4) I bought Dreft at Target yesterday so I can start washing up baby clothes and getting them organized in Olivia's now empty dresser. Love projects like that!

5) I am teaching the YW about preparing for change on Sunday and how to handle it, for good or bad, when it inevitably comes. I think this comes with age and growing up but I used to dread change. Now, I feel like I need it in my life, as complicated and hard as it can be, so that I can grow and stretch in new ways and change into the person I am supposed to become.


Heidi said...

are Livs and Cares sharing a room already? Or just a closet for now?

Bobbi said...

Good project! What excitement to contemplate the great change coming soon to your family. That nesting instinct is kicking in. Can't wait to meet him! Happy 11/11/11!

Maggie said...

You've been busy. I do feel lucky to have my baby turn 1 today. 11/11/11:) We had an 11/11/11 party at our house today. It was fun.

Kristin Sokol said...

I always make a wish when I see the clock on 12:34. It ALWAYS comes true too.

Flori said...

Things are getting serious when the Dreft comes out--that is my nesting signal that it's close! More pregnant pictures of the momma please! You are such a good mom and always cute and doing good projects. can I be you when I grow up? :)

Krista said...

ha flori's comment is making me laugh. I just bought newborn diapers. :) Love the 11/11 day and your books for the kids are so awesome. I'll have to ask you more about those.

Anonymous said...

So many fun tidbits! I couldn't use Dreft this time around because of my HE washer so I used Tide free and clear and it actually cleaned the clothes much better but I did miss the smell.

I haven't even started sorting through photos for the books for my panic is going to set in hard on Wednesday but for now I am enjoying the aloha way of life. Too bad it can't last forever.

Anonymous said...

By the way, it was crazy how many bridal parties we saw here on 11-11. Such a great place and date to be married on.