Friday, August 24, 2012

Back to School

"Fall is here, hear the yell. 
Back to school, ring the bell. 
Brand new shoes, walking blues. 
Climb the fence, books and pens.
I can tell that we are gonna be friends."
We're Going to be Friends by the White Stripes, Napoleon Dynamite soundtrack

That song is such a great one, and it's been running through my head a ton as we've just finished our first week of first days back to school.

Olivia started preschool on Tuesday, a day before the big kids started, so they were very helpful in making her feel excited and ready, and cheering her on as we dropped her off:
 Princess "pack-pack' hand-me-down from big sister. Livs LOVES it.
 The little lady chose her own outfit all the way down to the socks. Too fun :)

 1st grade girl!
3rd grade boy!
(never mind the watermelon we had cleaned the mud off of and hadn't yet taken inside :)
The kids all did so well this week. Caroline has been falling to sleep in record time at night—she is not used to waking up at 7:15! It's been a great start so far, 3 days in anyway. And I have to admit it's been lovely to have 2 kids around most of the day—we got so much done: cleaning the toy room, tons of laundry, a 3 mile run with the double stroller, and an ever blissful Costco outing with both children sitting happily in the cart :)


Heidi said...

Big girl livs! And the watermelon made me giggle.

3 miles
Pushing a double stroller? That is v impressive

Krista said...

Cute photos of the kids on their big day. Isn't it nice to run errands with two now? :) I laugh cause I still avoid it but it is doable.

I like beans new buzz.

Bobbi said...

Love the relaxation of summer, and then love the structure and organization of fall. So fun for them to be in school, and nice for you to be able to get more done!

Anonymous said...

Back to school time is so fun and also sentimental. Hard to see the summer end but so great to be back in a routine. I love how tired my kids are the first few days back in school.

Livs looks thrilled to be going to preschool.