35 reasons why I love my 35-year-old husband:
(I've never done one of these lists before so here goes--should be easy because my Joseph is pretty much awesome :)
1. He's so very funny. He makes me laugh at least 10 times every day. Aren't all great marriages built on humor?
2. He's tall (which means he gives me the perfect hugs where I fit right under his chin and feel so small and safe wrapped up in his arms.)
3. His curls.
4. He's smart.
5. He's easily the most creative person I know and I love that he gets to use his artistic skills for his full-time, real-life, grown-up job.
6. He's kind.
7. He's very friendly and outgoing and has helped me become more so during our marriage.
8. He's completely trustworthy and reliable (and all that other scouting stuff...)
9. He loved his mission and served with all his heart.
10. He loves the Gospel and the Savior.
11. He loves me perfectly even with all my imperfections.
12. He is an amazing father and serves/plays with/adores/teaches our kids in all the right ways. Plus, I am pretty sure he LOVES being a dad.
13. He loves his family and has great friendships with them, and he continually prays for them too. I appreciate his loyalty to and love for them so much (and that he is equally engaged with my family too)
14. He loves sunsets and taking pictures of them often.
15. He is a true Apple devotee and has taught me everything I know about computers.
16. He is always warm. Love that during our cold Utah winters :)
17. He smells so good. Yes, just before work in the morning all fresh and clean. But even during our long sweaty bike rides he smells just like his Old Spice deodorant. (Lucky!)
18. He's officially way too good at every game. Ever. So I just try to have him on my team whenever I can (unless it's Canasta and then I have to play girls against boys just to see if I can win for once!)
19. He's strong...ask him about the time he helped our landscaping crew move the hot-tub...
20. He's determined.
21. He loves to try new activities/foods/vacations while I like to keep with what I know and love. He helps me push the envelope every now and again.
22. He's so hard-working.
23. He's the best sleeper I've ever met.
24. He lets me sleep in way more than I ever let him.
25. His family is...amazing...all of them. I love them!
26. He is so very patient, especially with me and very forgiving.
27. He likes to scare people. Now, this is not my favorite when it comes to scaring me but if I am privy to his plans to get someone like my little brother or Bentley then it is very fun :)
28. He is fast on his bike and has incredible stamina. I am so proud of him when he crushes my times on Strava!
29. He gives the best homemade gifts (it helps that he is a graphic designer and has so many options at his fingertips, but he truly puts a lot of time and thought into them which always shows through the final product).
30. He loves candy. It's so endearing to me that he truly lights up "like a kid in candy shop" when he is in a candy shop!
31. He tells the best bedtime stories to our kids and their cousins when we are together.
32. He loves to travel as much as I do.
33. He is the most calming and peaceful force in our home.
34. He loves to be nerdy with me and just hang out on the couch together basking in the glow of our laptops :)
35. He is my favorite plain and simple.