Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sweet Luke

The darling baby boy—such a sweet cooing babe of late. He has been sleeping so well the last 4 or 5 nights getting in 7 or 8 hours of sleep before I feed him around 2 in the morning, and then sleeping another 5 or 6 hours before he's awake for the day.

He is also suddenly sick today with the saddest wheezing chest and cough I've ever heard. I have never had a tiny get sick this young (just shy of 3 months). I am sure he got something from the bigger kids who are so in love with him that they are just in his face and holding his hands and touching him so much—even when they have snotty noses or lingering coughs, and even when I try to tuck him away from everyone and keep him out of the kids' way. Guess that's what happens to an adored 4th child...

I am just so filled with worry that Luke won't be able to breathe because of his thick chest. He is sleeping soundly right now with baby vicks on his chest and the humidifier pumping vapor and steam into his room. Is there anything else I should be doing? His doctor said there is no need to worry until he stops eating well (no problem there so far). For being so sick he is still a sweetheart and so content. I hope he pulls out of this fast and we can get our healthy little babe back.  
Luke on Monday, thoroughly entertained by the ever exciting ceiling fan

I love this sweet nightgown baby


Bobbi said...

It's such a worry when tiny ones are sick. I can't think of anything else to do except we will remember him in our prayers. What a darling boy he is!

Jess said...

Oh sweet boy. I hate that fear that they can't breath. But definitely that is when we knew Porter was in trouble with RSV (at 3 months)because he wouldn't eat at all because then he couldn't breath. So I say as long as he is eating just keep doing what you are doing. If his nose starts getting bad most hospitals have a suction clinic that you can take him to to suck out the back up in his nose and help him breath better. But eating and sleeping like a champ and I'd say he is fine. And oh so cute. Porter talks about him every day!

Heidi said...

I hope he is doing better by now, at least somewhat. When my kids had RSV this year the doctor said to also look for blush lips or extremely quick breathing, then you know to bring them in. I hope that isn't what he has, can't imagine it in such tiny.