Wednesday, January 25, 2012

FHE Goals

We finally got around to making these this week:
 **since Bentley is getting baptized this summer he and Joseph are planning to read ahead in the Book of Mormon after family scripture time so he can finish it before his big day.

 **Cares is most proud of that pointing picture and thinks it's so funny. I am truly eager for anything that will get her to just obey instead of having a hundred excuses and questions and reasons why she can't do what I need her to.

**I am most excited about eliminating the binky. I told Livs she could have her 3 year old birthday first but then "bye bye binky"—the wise words of Elmo...

Luke will mostly aim for sleeping through the night and all else will just be an added bonus!


Bobbi said...

I love these every year. The photos are hilarious, the goals admirable. What a good way to motivate and remind your little ones!

Heidi said...

I am dying over stay in the chair for Beans. Max could use some serious help in that department during dinner, ha ha.

Love all these. Good luck with the bye bye binky (I cut Max's tops off but let him keep the base and binky weaning went more smoothly than I ever could have imagined)!

Anonymous said...

These are always so clever. How can I copy Joe without all of his skills?

We are joining you in the binky project...yikes.

Joseph said...

Cec, I would be happy to make you a template you could use to make your own. I highly recommend doing this. Our kids love it and so will yours.

brittanydaw said...

So fun--and good! What a great family you have. Hey, Weston used a nice booklet thing that lets you mark off every page of the BOM as you read, if you want, let me know and I"ll email it to you.

Krista said...

those are seriously so cute. I love the different pics and poses. I'm sending my kids over for when you guys do that fhe again. :)

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