Sunday, January 22, 2012

1 Month

The tiny is now one month old and looking like it too. His little thighs are starting to develop soft, full folds and his sweet face is rounding out. He also has small tufts of hair on the back of his head that get all fuzzy after laying on his back—all of it makes him such a snuggly little man. Oh, he is at such a delicious stage!
Luke is a sweetheart baby and usually quite content. He is a champion napper sleeping for 90 minutes to 2 hours almost every time he naps. The only things that cause him much grief are gas in his belly and going poo—both of which are quite lively and explosive when they happen (and delight the rest of the kids to no end). We have found that pressure on Luke's tummy when he is squirmy and uncomfortable gives him a lot of relief. This has also turned him into a rock star belly sleeper (I do try to keep swaddled back sleeping in the mix too but he doesn't seem to sleep as long that way...)
We love our newborn babe. And even though the hubby and I are running on very little sleep, we adore our Luke.


Bobbi said...

He is a darling little bundle of mushiness! And he is getting big so quickly. We all adore him!

Heidi said...

Sweet Luke! I hope he will start giving you better rest at night soon

Maggie said...

How do they grow so fast? He is so sweet

Krista said...

Oh that first pic is so sweet of him looking so intently. love it. Fun to chat with you guys the other day. My vote is you can just come visit us two times :)

Anonymous said...

He is one So fun to hold him and mush him the other night.

Aren't tummy sleepers the best?

Jess said...

I need to snuggle that babe before he is all grown up! If tom would ever be home I'd run out there and you keep not coming to sunday dinner! Ahh, this weekend I just might need to stop by!