Wednesday, January 11, 2012

3 Weeks

The babe is 3 weeks old today. We are still in the sea of seemingly endless feedings and diaper changes, day and night. But babies do seem to adjust to longer sleep stretches at night right around 4 weeks old so I think we are getting close to feeling more rested and more normal around here (I hope!)

Luke had a notable week starting with standing on my mom's lap and suddenly giving a little jump up and off her legs. What a funny (and strong) little baby! He may be walking before we know it. He also saw his doctor on Monday for a circumcision—long story about the hospital but basically the peds doc who first saw him there didn't do it so our family's pediatrician did. Poor Luke—from what I saw of it, which wasn't much because I chose to just calm my babe and keep my eyes off of the procedure, it looked pretty painful. But my tiny guy has been such a sweetheart in the days since. Only diaper changes really upset him and by today he is mostly fine with those again.

Some stats to record: at Luke's 2 week well visit he weighed 8 lbs 9 oz. Five days later, at his circumcision, he weighed 9 lbs 1 oz—love that he gained half a pound in less than a week. At 2 weeks he also measured in at 21.1 inches so he's grown a bit taller in the past few weeks too. We love our cuddly baby and try to soak up lots of snuggle time with his mushy little body.

 1 week old
 2 weeks old
3 weeks old


Heidi said...

Love all the updates on Luke! And who does he look like??

Bobbi said...

He is changing so quickly! He is a precious little mush.

Anonymous said...

He is a total mush! Way to post lots of things about him...feels like I am getting to know him even though I am not around him!