Thursday, January 29, 2015

More From January

Matt and Lizzie were in town for a family wedding so we stole a Saturday morning with them and met for breakfast at Corner Bakery (with all of our 16 kids :) Always a funny and happy time with all these guys.

Luke is a Sunbeam!! He is really young for this class (makes the deadline by 10 days) and it shows but "lucky" for me I am one of his teachers and can help wrangle this monkey boy. He is a sweetheart and very smart but 3 hours of church together is testing our limits, plus he is not nearly the listener or obedient boy for me that he is for other non-parent adults. It's been a hard transition but we're working on it. We do have church really late (1:30) so about every 3rd week he is pounding out a nap and just sleeps right though it all and I still go and just wrangle other little monkeys without him :)

On the other hand, Bentley's primary class is the bomb. They had the lamest teachers a while back who just never really showed up or called anyone in advance to sub for them. This went on for the whole year these guys were 8 and turning 9. Joseph subbed for that class at least once or twice a month and always loved teaching them. Other parents taught too but we just wished these kids could get someone who was consistent and prepared. And then last year, they finally got the best teachers — this awesome young newlywed couple who just jumped in and taught and cared about and loved these kids. Bentley and his friends were so sad when December ended because they loved those teachers, so this cute couple had a big end of year party at their house where the kids played wii games and watched a movie and had pizza and snacks and soda. I had to grab picture when I dropped by to pick Bean up. This is only about 2/3 of their class but they are all great kids.

I have so many friends, neighbors and family members having babies (a lot of these are Joseph's young cousins) so I decided to do some sewing and make gifts for them. The animal print one is a diaper pouch I bought when Luke was tiny and I still keep it in my purse with a pair of spare unders and a ziplock bag in case we have any accidents. I copied my own pattern and have since rounded the edges and made it better (after making about 9 of these in just the past 2 months).

Bean had a fun scout outing to go ice skating — his Webelos leader sent me these pics.

Mommy Muffin Morning up at the school. I truly love having my 3 elementary kiddos together at school!

 Kendama love has taken full force at our house! Bean and his buddy Noah are such pros. I always love games and hobbies that aren't digital in any away ;)

Fun selfie with my girl outside of Bentley's basketball games.

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