Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October with my Littles

October was a crazy, busy, full of fun activities month...so I decided to throw potty training in there too! In hind sight it seems overly ambitious but it actually ended up being pretty quick and easy. Luke was not yet 3 but just seemed really, really ready and showing all the signs of being able to make a smooth transition to underwear. It took a few days of repeated and frequent trips to the toilet but he figured it out so fast. Week one was almost accident free—even from the very first days, and then after about 2 weeks he did have 2 poop accidents but at least told me about them right after he did them (oh the joys...) Now that more time has passed he has been so awesome and really consistent. A funny thing about this boy is that he hates pull-ups. They are a much different texture than regular diapers and make more noise moving around in them...I don't exactly know what he dislikes but he did not want to wear those at night! I had one package of them so we used them up with much fussing and fighting about wearing one every, single night. After that package I bought regular old diapers until he was steadily dry at night (about 2 months) and now we're finally, totally diaper free!!! I am thrilled that I never have to potty-train again and it makes my heart quite happy :)

I also have to document my first ever boy haircut which turned out way better than I thought even though it's not great. It was perfect to try this outside where the mess wasn't an issue and where Luke was very chill to sit still and let me use my new electric clippers and then try to trim it up on the top with shears. My cute friend had just given a bunch of us ladies in the neighborhood a tutorial on cutting boys' hair so I felt brave and encouraged. It remains my only haircut so far however, but I will do more this spring and summer. Bentley said I need to give Luke 10 haircuts before I can give him one so I better get back to it soon!

 Wednesday mornings we take Livs to her ballet class and in October they had a little Halloween dance they performed for the parents in their Halloween costumes. Olivia is a lovely little dancer (very focused so she doesn't smile but she likes to learn choreography and make her own ending shapes :)

 Olivia and her darling teacher Miss Heidi

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Wow no more diapers! Ending of an era