Monday, May 21, 2012

To 8 Year Old Bentley

Dearest Bentley—

Happy Birthday! You are officially 8 years old (although you did arrive in the world just after 6:00 pm 8 years ago). Your birthdays will forever and always remind me of that amazing day—the day of your birth, the day you made me a true, blue mommy and changed my heart and my life forever. I was so very excited to meet you I could hardly stand it! After a perfectly smooth induction, and only feeling about 2 excruciating labor pains before the epidural kicked in, it was time to push you out. Of course all of it resulted with your solid 8 lb. body resting in my arms and your beautiful face starting right up at mine. It was heavenly to hold you then and it is heavenly to do so now, although you hardly fit all snuggled up with me anymore :)

I have loved seeing your mind grow and race ahead this year as your thirst for knowledge continues. I love that you cruise through math and spelling homework so easily each day—you are lucky to have those things come so naturally for you. Your drawing and art skills are expanding too which must have everything to do with your daddy's genes and his patient help. This year was your first year playing basketball and taking serious swim lessons. While I don't know if you are truly sold on either sport, you have such potential in either one with your long, tall body and natural speed. I think I would love for you to be a swimmer but know you'd have to love it to stick with it.

Of course you are still a lover of Legos, Hot Wheels, riding your bike, building and creating anything, and telling silly stories and jokes, all of which make you the wonderful little Bentley I love so much.

This birthday is a huge milestone in your life as you get to be baptized in a few weeks! You are so prepared for this step and such an example of goodness in our home. You are endlessly patient with your little sisters, always eager to help, and very obedient. I am so proud of you for setting the goal to finish the Book of Mormon before your baptism and that you did so last night! It has been a pleasure to hear you and daddy reading together once the little kids were in bed and especially memorable when I had turns with you too. Do you remember when we read about Helaman's little army and how not a single boy was killed? Or when we read about Christ appearing to the Nephites after he had died and asking to see and bless all the children? I hope you'll always remember the feeling you had as you prayed with daddy and me last night once you finished the last chapter of Moroni. The Spirit was so strong in our home as you offered the sweet and sincere words in your heart—I know it was hard to pray through your tears but that our Heavenly Father was listening and rejoicing and eager to help you feel His love, much the same way your dad and I felt too. Thank you for sharing that tender experience with me and making my heart so happy it could burst.

I am so very lucky to be your mom and to have you as my boy forever. I love you, love you!



Bobbi said...

Happy birthday, dear Bentley! Can it be 8 years already? I will never forget that special day either. it is wonderful that you two have made his testimony such a priority. I hope he always feels the Spirit. We love him so!

Heidi said...

Your evening of completing the Book of Mormon together sounds so special.

I remember so well the day Bentley was born and the exact place I was (a BYU baseball game). I was so excited for my best childhood friend to become a mother. Happy birthday Bentley!

Anonymous said...

I am in tears reading about your special night finishing the Book of Mormon! What a truly memorable and important experience for him to have with his parents.

I will never forget being at Bean's birth either. It was an honor to participate and to watch you become a mother. Bean surely holds a special place in my heart because I got to feel his strong spirit as he began his mortal life. Happy Birthday again to such a joyful, silly, sweet boy. Looking forward to the baptism!

Krista said...

oh sweet!! Happy Birthday Bentley!! 8 is great. :) I'm excited to hear more about the baptism too. I love how he is so into legoes. Kai would love to play with Bentley and Legoes. :)