Saturday, April 21, 2012

Red Rock

 Another little hike while down in St George in the Mini Narrows:
 We headed out in the late afternoon and it was so hot on those rocks by then. My sweet kiddos had the reddest cheeks and did not last long exploring around.
When we found the narrows we realized only the kiddos would fit and Livs was for sure too scared to venture in without her daddy. So, my brave Cares and Beans just squeezed through them without us! I watched them the whole time from the entrance until Joseph had hiked around to meet them at the end. I might have fit in there with them but I had a sleeping Luke in the Bjorn and we didn't have anything else to hold him in. Then again my nursing "accessories" most likely would have been too big anyway—oh the joys :)
 Cares in the narrowest part of the slot
 the view from above
I adore this kid so much. He cracks me up in this picture!
My sweet kiddo went for a bike ride with Joseph today, just the pair of them, and ended up taking 2 really good falls. Once a big rock threw off his balance and sent him flying (luckily onto the grass) and later, he was cruising down a steep, paved trail trying to keep up with Joseph and he just got going too fast and fell into brush and weeds. He came home with tons of scrapes, a bloody nose and a swollen, bruised left knee but was holding it together so well. Until he saw me—oh man he broke my heart for sure. I was so proud of him for being so tough the whole way home though. I still think of him as my tiny guy but he really is so grown up. Still needs his mommy though which I am very happy about :)


Bobbi said...

Your kids really are intrepid little explorers. Love that they were brave enough to go through on their own. This is a unique little hike, and I think your "accessories" might have been in the way!

Heidi said...

That place just reminds me of a boy I kissed up there during high school, I forgot how narrow that hike is!

Anonymous said...

I have been in the narrows with some cute boys and Becca Todd. Your kiddos are so adventurous to do it without you.

And reading about Bean breaks my heart too! When you described it on the phone it didn't sound too terrible but this description makes me hurt for him! Give him a love and tell him that Ethan knows how he feels.