Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2 Months

stats on this gorgeous babe:

weight: 13 lbs 11 oz.
height: 24.15 in.
no acne on his face but many faint bumps in his hairline
he can roll (since 7 weeks) from his belly to his back
he's smiling now and often gives us big, gummy ones after a feeding
his poops are less stressful
he has a reddish tint to his barely there hair
he loves to ride in the car and sleep in his seat--made our SG roadtrip a breeze last week
(but makes naptime at home less than breezy...)
he's one toasty little babe and can't handle many covers or he gets too sweaty
 at 7 weeks with adoring sisters


Krista said...

So excited to meet baby Luke. Loved hearing about what he's going through at two months. :) babies are so different. Like mine is stinky. ;)

Heidi said...

I see a little hair creeping in!

Two months! Sadie never got baby acne either. He is adorable

Bobbi said...

He is darling--and growing so fast!

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am looking at Connor or Brigg, especially in all those little outfits they used to wear!

Just adorable. And maybe redhead? How fun!