Friday, January 11, 2008

10 days

10 days AGO we spent the morning sledding:

IN 10 days we will be wearing swimsuits, playing in the water, gathering shells on the beach, basking in the sun, exploring the islands, and celebrating our fabulous Sherm and all of his 60 years of life. Can you tell that we are just a little bit excited for our Hawaiian vacation?!


Anonymous said...

Seriously? Seriously. It can't come soon enough.

Maggie said...

I'm so excited for you. Make sure you guys take lots of pictures (like you wouldn't).

Heidi said...

Oh my goodness I know I am! Is it still ten days away? I want it to be sooner! I have a countdown but I don't count the day it is (today) or the day we go (Saturday) ;-). makes me feel like it's sooner.

Bobbi said...

One week from right now we will be there--wahoo! ALOHA!!! The forecast is for 10 degrees for a low next Saturday...we are outta here!

Krista said...

so jealous. Soon you'll be basking in the sun instead of snow!

Katherine said...

I am SO jealous. A hui hoi! Have a great time.