Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mother's Day 2016

I love this holiday for making me take the time to remember how incredible it is to be a mother. I am so privileged and lucky to have my own babies, to have created them, to be raising them, and to have been an anchor in their lives ever since the minute they were conceived. I love these souls dearly and am realizing more and more how they were sent to perfect me, to shape me, and to teach me. I know I have a huge responsibility to teach and nurture them in 100 different ways, but in an eternal perspective they will hopefully be my saving grace, the souls who taught my heart what love and charity really are, and who helped me know and grow closer to my Heavenly parents as I figured out what parenthood really means. I also love hanging out with these fun, silly, adoring, creative, and caring kiddos. They are the light in my life and joy in my heart, and I'm grateful they are mine forever.

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