Monday, November 24, 2014

Oh Zion!

 Picture fest coming up! We returned to the south the weekend before Thanksgiving and since we had a whole, long weekend we spent all of Friday over in Zion. And it was spectacular! (and calm and empty and quiet and perfect).

We got there fairly early in the day and up Zion Canyon we were just waiting for the sun to hit us and warm us up. We entertained ourselves along the river for a bit.

 We set out briefly on the trail headed to the Court of the Patriarchs. Luke and I were much slower than the others but I had them turn around for a picture while they were way up the trail. Can you see them as a tiny group dwarfed by the patriarchs?

 This is why we were so much slower. Sand is too tempting for little boys :)

 Fall in the park was just ending but still colorful. I loved all the leaves all over the trails.

We drove up to the Temple of Sinawava to hike along the River Walk. My kids were excited to use their hiking sticks even though it's a paved trail the whole way. See what I mean about the park being empty? Of course we passed tourists along the way every so often but it was lovely to have space to ourselves so often too.
 I guess the hiking sticks were more for fun posing than anything else :)

 We packed our lunch to eat along the river and found this great spot for our afternoon picnic.

After we ate Joseph felt adventurous and wanted to wade in the seriously ice-cold water. I knew as soon as he was in there that my kids would be too! Oh gosh. They all took off sock and shoes and rolled up pants (or took them off entirely (Luke)) and tested the river. There were many shrieks and giggles and frozen feet but they loved it.

 My crazy cool kiddos!

Luke was losing a little steam after playing in the cold river and Olivia was scared out of her mind by a fearless squirrel who was very bold and wanted to share our lunch quite badly. We had to get going away from the critter so Joseph took the littler kids and started back on the trail to the car while Bentley and I ventured just about a 1/2 mile farther to the end of the river walk where the Narrows trail begins. It made me excite to head up that with my kids when they are a few years older — I loved that experience when I was younger!

 Bean is such a good boy. I love hanging out with him and getting lots of quality time to chat and listen and just be with my boy. He's so smart and curious and silly and brave. I adore him.

We caught up with the others just before the trailhead and found some good rocks for climbing and exploring — just what the kids needed before we packed them up and headed back to the SG house.

November might just be the perfect month in Zion.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

We went in November when max was a new baby and i felt the same way, it was the perfect time to go