Monday, October 7, 2013

Alpine Loop and Conference

Conference Sunday, as the afternoon session began, we needed an escape from our house and a change of scene. The perfect option living where we do was to drive the Alpine Loop as we continued listening to conference. I can't believe I had never been before! Yes we mean to do it every fall and then suddenly it's winter and we missed the window. But Joseph rode to the top of AF canyon a few weeks back and finally rallied us all up. Plus, he wanted to try out some family friendly hikes he'd seen on his biking adventure.

It was stunning up there! We'd had a fairly wet and cold week so fresh snow topped the highest mountain peaks making the views so striking. I loved it. I think I may not be able to listen to conference any other way from now on :) We drove past many lovely trail heads but 1) some were way too muddy and 2) the recent government shutdown had resulted in many barricaded parking lots and blocked turn-offs. But we pressed on all the way until Cascade Springs and found the parking lot open and ready for us. The kids were pretty done with the car by then anyway so we were ready to wander and explore. It was another new discovery for our little family. Such great treasures in all the glorious mountains around us!

Fall comes each and every year around here but I swear I can never get enough of these vivid colors no matter how many autumns I live through. I think my phone is full of photos of leaves and trees and reds, yellows and oranges. Happiest colors :)

 Livs was not in the mood to participate in this picture so she was pouting in the background...

 Luke had a blast throwing leaves into the rushing water below the bridge

We're glad we discovered this beautiful spot and we'll certainly be back.

And for my own records and as a reminder of what I'm eager to study and reread, some highlight talks from conference:

Come, Join With Us by Elder Uchtdorf
The Moral Force of Women by Elder Christofferson
Like a Broken Vessel by Elder Holland
To My Grandchildren by Elder Eyring
No Other Gods by Elder Oaks
I Will Not Fail Thee, nor Forsake Thee by President Monson
Teaching with the Power and Authority of God by David McConkie
Decisions for Eternity by Elder Nelson


Heidi said...

fall colors are simply too stunning, listening to conference while enjoying them sounds sublime

Anonymous said...

i still can't believe you had never done alpine loop before! so pretty

Robert Christensen said...

Oh, this really did my heart good! I have been thinking about the cabin lately and missing it like crazy. These pictures give me "warm fuzzies" of happy memories!!

Robert Christensen said...

--from Flori :) Rob doesn't use the phrase "warm fuzzies" too often. hahaha