Friday, October 17, 2008


We saw our wiggly baby at our ultrasound today...and, I'll spare you the drama and tell you right now that we still don't know what gender our baby is. Yes, we're going the old fashioned route and finding out in the delivery room. I don't know why, but I feel like I want to build up some anticipation with this 3rd pregnancy and wait for that surprise moment when baby arrives. I suppose in 20 weeks I'll let you know if it was worth the wait or not! Just trying to keep things fresh and exciting ;) Now, from here on out do I call the baby "it" or "he/she?" Maybe I can be like TAMN over at Seriously So Blessed and always write out "he slash she," but we'll see...

Thankfully, everything checked out perfectly as far as sizes, organs, and bone structure go. And it was as thrilling as ever to see that tiny little person who is developing inside of me (I love being a woman and having this chance to create life.)

I do want show off my baby's adorable little body--looks like I'm growing another mini shape-maker:

Gotta love this bendable babe--can you see the piked position?

Just to keep us all guessing, baby's heart-rate was at 149 which is on the faster side and could mean there's a little girl in there...


Heidi said...

Oh I already love she slash he!!! That pose is classic. I want to mush another shape maker. You should just call "it" "Baby Coe" or "Baby Jarrie" ha ha ha ha that one is funny

Anonymous said...

So glad everything looked alright! I was thinking about you today...

Can't wait to meet he slash she even though I think it is a she!

Anonymous said...

i think it is a boy. that is what it seems everyone is having lately... i guess we'll all have to wait and see!!!

Bobbi said...

What a little acrobat! We can't wait to find out--I am impressed at your will power! Glad all is healthy and normal for him/her!

bribets said...

That's so exciting that you're waiting to find out!

Katherine said...

I think he/she is even wearing dancing shoes...