Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Beading Day

The kids and I spent some time making beaded bracelets and necklaces this morning. Cares wanted "princess" on her necklace and Bentley wanted "jet", "plane", "frog", "tow-truck" and "Beans" on his. Maybe you can tell that the bracelets pictured above were my idea rather than theirs :)

I love the ages my children are right now--no little one to worry about while we work on projects, and puzzles or while the kids play dress-ups, ship, and blocks together. Soon enough that will all change with baby #3--so we are trying to enjoy all our freedom while we can!

Bentley's staged, "silly" pose


Anonymous said...

I love that Bean wanted all those things on his bracelet/necklace.

I am also trying to enjoy this time of relative "freedom" before we introduce a little one into the mix. Being able to do a project like this without worrying about a baby eating the beads or needing you halfway through is nice.

Heidi said...

but guess what babies are so freakin cute and fun! Okay I know you already know that. So are the ages your kids are at. Every age seems to have it's perks!

Bobbi said...

Your children are darling and such good ages to play and communicate (and make us laugh) and be enjoyable. Babies are wonderful in a different way. As Heidi said, every age has its attractions--I like my own children at their ages now, too! Watching you be such great adults and "playing" with you is still quite fun. And then I get to play with your little ones, too--a pretty good deal!

Mariposa said...

what a sweet idea! we should do this for the Halloween party! thanks again for the creepy fingers recipe. the yw will die!

ba and the boys said...

will you stop being so crafty...

Maggie said...

I love your pictures- especially from the last post with cares and bentley with those silly teeth in their mouths. Too funny.

Hey, I was going to ask if you find out what you're having soon, but remembered it is a surprise. Let us know if you DO find out. I think it's a girl for some reason (that's the feeling I get when I look at this really cute girl outfit I want to send you.)