Thursday, October 16, 2008


Does anyone have any advice on how to get my husband to share important information with me? Now, I don't mean any old important information-- just the kind that relates to our daily life and schedule and always or usually involves the children and me. Do you know what I am talking about? Here's an example:

Last week hubby copied me on an email to his mom saying: "I think we would like Into the Woods. Let us know if it's available."

And then, I never heard anything more on it. At all. And so my brain put it aside and forgot all about it. Until last night at 7:00 pm:

Hubby: Who is babysitting for us tomorrow night?
Me: Tomorrow night? For what? Our family calendar says we're heading to Barnyard Boo.
Hubby: Oh, well we have tickets to see Into the Woods.
Me: Since when?
Hubby: Since last week.


Me: Why didn't you tell me we actually ended up with tickets?
Hubby: I thought I had. I guess I have just talked to a lot of other people about it since then to make plans and just never talked to you.

Now, somehow I hear all about the exact date on which Apple is releasing its newest version of the iPhone, but communication about a date night (which actually involves me) doesn't get shared.

We have been married for 9 years--how is this still a problem? Do you think we will ever solve it or is it just a side-effect of a woman marrying a man?

BTW--I have come down with a heinous cough (how do you like that word "heinous?"--so 80s--don't know where it came from...) and am sending Bentley to the play with Joseph tonight so I can finally make myself go to bed early and kick this thing. So all is well. But still...


Krista said...

heinous...ha I don't even know if I spelled that right! that's funny though. I'm sorry about the cough. You get some rest! How was the play then? Or are you not going? I SOOOOO can relate to this post but that's because we are married to bros. The only reason we didn't go last night is because someone has been working for two weeks straight! We're going to see it Nov. 11. If you haven't seen it yet then see it then and we can be friends. :) I should've read your post better. You should get the comment thing on top of your post so then I can reference. yeah. :) ciao

Heidi said...

Ha ha classic. yet frustrating. So how did Bean do at Into the Woods? Where was it playing?

Heidi said...

PS- feel better soon

Jess said...

I second Krista on it being a LeBaron boy thing. Tommy forgets to tell me everything, like that he is going to Scout Camp for three days the night before he leaves. Awesome. I was hoping since you have been married lots longer than I . But, wheat do you do?

Bobbi said...

Sadly, it isn't just a LeBaron male thing, it's men in general. They are different than we are, way. Hope you are getting better, Carrie!

Joseph said...

Babe, you didn't tell me you were doing this post! If only I would have known, I could have given you some helpful input like:

1. Apple is a brand that spans the genders -- so women as well as men can get ridiculously excited about upcoming product releases.

2. The biggest problem was that the performance coincided with UEA, which I did not schedule or approve of for our calendar.

3. This is a classic example of the 'mind-reading' double standard. Where MEN am expected to know things like 'all [you] really wanted was a backrub' but you're not expected to know things like 'yes I booked us tickets for the 16th and the show starts at 7:30.'

In the end, I guess it's lucky we don't have to really communicate, because I can always find out things by reading your blog! By the way, congrats on the baby. Is it mine?

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha. Only every woman can relate to this...why is communicating so hard?

So glad that you can blog about things so that Joe can learn about your life together (his comments are the best, as always).

Sorry you have a cough! What a random thing.

ba and the boys said...

1st-i love into the woods and i understudied for 'red'. i was an understudy beacuse i really cant sing and i was going to have to talk my way thru her songs.
2nd-google calendar. we put the kids and i in green, pta/school stuff in pink and chris is blue. works like a charm!