What a huge year this has been for you--the biggest change coming in the form of Kindergarten. You were so nervous and worried those first few days--it broke this mama's heart for sure. But your Daddy and I prayed for you and encouraged you and saw how you quickly embraced this new challenge and made friends easily. I was so proud of you for overcoming a new and hard thing. I have loved coming to the school to work with your class and see how well you fit in and how engaged you are in learning. And the hugs and sweet waves I get from you while I am there are among my favorite things in life.
Another big change has arrived with your incredible reading skills. I am blown away at how far you have come since last year! The world has become so new and exciting as you read every sign, every cereal box, each book that comes home from school, the directions on your homework, and the scriptures as we read as a family each night. It has been so exciting for me to see you dive in and learn.
Thank you for continuing to be a great helper in our home--entertaining Cares and Livs, setting the table and emptying the dishwasher, and working tirelessly in the yard with Daddy. You are a good worker and fun company when we do family projects--you sure rocked that roller brush when we painted the garage a few weeks ago!
A few months ago you bore your testimony in church for the first time. I loved how eager you were to do so even though you weren't really sure about talking in front of so many people, but with Dad's help you did so well. This week, during family home evening, we talked about the Savior and His sacrifice for us. Daddy and I both bore our testimonies and then you asked to do so too. You did it all by yourself and shared your love for the Gospel and your family--the most essential things in life my sweet boy. I am so grateful for your sincere feelings and open, willing heart. You bring a happiness into our home that Daddy and I had never known until we met you exactly six years ago. I am so glad you are my first born baby and my beautiful boy.
I love you!
Bentley has made a huge impression on Max and there is talk of him frequently around our house.
Any party plans?
Happy Birthday sweet Bean! We are so excited to party with you tomorrow!
6? Really? How did that happen? He is truly a big boy now.
Beans has changed a lot this year--really a big boy now. His reading is excellent, and his happy demeanor is a pleasure to be around. We love you, Bentley Bear. Happy Birthday! See you at the party.
Happy Birthday Beans!!
Oh Bentley you are the sweetest boy! Happy birthday!! We can't wait to see you again really soon.
Happy Birthday, Bentley! I still remember holding you right before you left on your mission. You were so tiny and but now you're so big and grown up. I always look forward to coming to your house to spend time with you. I always have so much fun playing with you when I come to babysit. I can't wait to see you again!
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