Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Watching intently as our lawn was aerated yesterday.

I heard the big kids rush into Cares' room when the aerating machine loudly revved up, and Livs followed excitedly behind them. I went into the room to help Olivia up on the bed and found them already like this.
3 little buddies...


Heidi said...

Who knew that aeration could be so interesting? So cute though that they are all into it. Livies is quickly becoming a kid and not a baby!

Bobbi said...

Pretty cute! Livs is growing up!

Anonymous said...

I just love this picture! SOOOOO CUTE!

Ruth Ann said...

It reminds me of Maggie's post on the lonely kids staring with the dog through the fence to the neighbors yard and being fed little treats. I love the curiosity and guilessnes(word?)

Anonymous said...

Adorable. I think my kids would have run away from that sound but your kids are so inquisitive. Livs is just one of the big kids.