Monday, March 8, 2010


The babe's signature move when she is teething: fingers constantly in her mouth.
And then there are the lovely mood changes that follow...but those are not as fun to document.

See, this kind of baby I'll photograph any day:

And all too quickly she turned in to this:

In that dirndl it is impossible to do anything but dote on her. Even when she is eating toilet paper (a new favorite she's discovered) At least it was from the roll and not already in the toilet...good baby Livs :)


Heidi said...

I love her in the dirndl!

We are having that exact same thing going on in our house right now- lots of hands in the mouth and lots of crankiness- fun! At the rate Max is going, he will still be teething when he is five.

Anonymous said...

Connor is a bad example and will teach her how to get already used toilet paper out of the toilet. Good times.

She looks so mini and so cute in the dirndl.

Bobbi said...

Olivia is darling in the dirndl--wie suss! Teething is painful for the babes and the moms. Hang in there! She's such a little dolly!