Thursday, January 7, 2010


It has been very nice settling back into our daily schedule. We love Bentley with all our hearts but it is refreshing to drop him at school each afternoon and let the girls do their own thing for a bit. And when Livs takes her nap, Caroline entertains herself beautifully. She really loves that time when she can just play without Bentley around to order and direct her actions.

3 cheers for rediscovering the fun of Little People!

Just this week Cares decided she was done sleeping with her bed rail--something I'm sure she could have tried a long time ago but just kind of forgot about. She has been fine without it--and sleeps with only 3 animals each night instead of 10. I am pretty sure that rail mostly served the purpose of corralling her pile of cuddlies more than her :) I do move her quite close to the wall when I check in on her before heading to bed each night...just to be safe.

And we finally lowered Olivia's crib--things were getting quite risky with her new found "pulling herself up to her knees" trick. We should have done that a while ago, but at least it's done now.

Next order of business--sorting through the 12-18 month girl clothes to find new things for Livs, and storing away grown-out items in good condition from all 3 kiddos.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice to be back in a routine? My boys are actually a huge help to me but the peace and quiet that exists when they are at school is nice too.

Can you start blogging for me? I am way behind. Way, way, way behind.

Heidi said...

Cute little sissies playing and growing up so fast!

Bobbi said...

It's fun that Olivia has reached the real "play" stage. Cute Cares to play with her and alone--also a nice stage. And quiet(er) time when siblings go to school makes a pleasant opportunity for creative alone play and one-on-one with mom.

Stacey said...

How fun that the sisters can now play together and so nice to be back in a routine. I am now learning how important routines are for kids! Good luck with your next project!