Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lights and Nights

We lucked out and chose the perfect night to walk around outside. After many days at 20 degrees or so, we happened upon a 43 degree night last night. Cares could not be bothered to wear her coat and ditched her hat after a while because she was getting too sweaty. This from a girl who hates to feel cold--have you noticed she wears a turtleneck every day? And tucks every layer in to keep in the heat? She is one quirky little thing I tell you...

Anyway, our lovely evening at Temple Square:

Livs started our evening stroll happy as can be all bundled in her stroller

and she ended it like this...sleeping away.

Now it's funny that I posted pics of my sleeping baby because during the last 2 days she has basically been boycotting sleep in any form. That cat nap I captured above was technically her "afternoon nap" yesterday (at 6:00 pm) because she played, jabbered, cried (and even pooped at one point) in her crib for over 2 1/2 hours--all while she was supposed to be sleeping. Of course she had a horrible night too, waking several times and finally crying herself back to sleep come 1:00 in the morning. I've learned that good naps = a good night's sleep so I set out with fresh resolve today.

And then she did the same thing--fought her naps for all she was worth. And finally fell asleep for her "morning nap" at 12:50 pm, woke up at 2:45 pm--just in time for me to pop over to church and teach the young women. I tried to get Olivia to take another nap earlier this evening but she would not have it. I am so perplexed as to what is going on. And very frustrated. And tired. In fact, I should be in bed because I am expecting a rough night once again.

I will add that my 5 year old has suddenly developed sleep issues of his own within the past month or so. He wakes in the middle of the night very upset and disoriented several times a week. Any ideas on why he is waking so often? Is it an age/school/growth thing? Do you think it's just a phase? He has been my most solid sleeper basically from birth. I need him to be one again! Our nights of late have been 'tricky' to say the least...

I need to quit blogging already and get to sleep. Good night :)


Krista said...

could they be night terrors? I don't know really what they are but I've heard other little ones getting them and startles them from their sleep. Great pics of temple square. We going to try to go next monday. I hope the weather is as balmy. :) Good night I hope you get some decent sleep tonight. It's soooo hard being sleep deprived.

Heidi said...

Cares tucking in all her layers is one of my favorite things about her.

Sleep is the one thing I don't think I will ever have figured out (kid sleep that is, I have my own sleep perfectly understood). I have learned as mom for less than two years, as soon as I think I know what is going on or have it all figured out, I am sent for another loop. GOod luck with getting back to restful nights for everyone!

Anonymous said...

I soooo feel for you on the kids up at night. So far, all of my kids go through it. they just wake up for no reason, are totally irrational about everything and it is HORRIBLE. But, I dont' think it is night terrors--Weston has had one or two of those (I had them as a child) and they are MUCH worse (if you can believe it). I think the only thing that gets us through it is just not trying to reason with them. It doesn't work. Just sit and try to calm them. good luck. (It does end by the way... just give it a few months)

Carol said...

Hope everyone gets back into their normal routines soon. I get to be one cranky mama when I don't get enough sleep.

Anonymous said...

Sleep...aahhh, the days of yore when it was a guarantee once you got into bed. Maddie has also joined us the past three nights. Hmm. Didn't we just break this habit a few months ago? It is one thing to wake up with new baby but quite another to wake up with kids when they really don't need us.
I wonder what is up with Bean. Maybe he could just come sleep in Maddie's bed because she just wants someone by her and maybe that would solve his problem as well.

Bobbi said...

We wished we could have joined you to see the lights, but it was better to keep Max at home. Cute Olivia in the picture, sound asleep--but not at the right time! Oh, the hardness of non-sleeping children! I don't know what to do about them, but good luck.