Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Button Snowmen

Our Christmas craft on Sunday morning:

These were super easy to make and the kids got quite carried away--embellishing whatever they could and adding colors and "limbs." I wish our button sizes had varied a bit more but we worked with what we had and they turned out pretty cute. Our tree's branches are quickly filling up with homemade ornaments this year--such a shift from the carefully picked out decor it has had in years past. But it's so much better this way, I think. Crafty little hands making lovely little projects to decorate our tree--something I will surely miss when my darlings are all grown up.

Kids make Christmas so magical and bright...


Heidi said...

Yes they do! They make every day of the year magical and bright

Bobbi said...

These are cute. I agree, the homemade ones are the most beautiful, full of memories.