Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mothers Day 2014

Every year this holiday arrives and I cannot feel anything but incredibly blessed. I have a loving mother who always was and still is totally involved in my life. That right there is a huge gift and I know I am so lucky to have her. But I also have a dear second mother in Ruth Ann—an amazing woman who teaches and loves and serves me as her own daughter, another huge blessing.

And then there is this life-consuming, overwhelming and awesome role that I fill as mother to my 4 darlings. Each beautiful baby has been a gift in his/her own right—how did I get that miracle happening in my life 4 times? I love my children more than they'll ever know and they have made this life of mine more real, more important, and more passionate than I ever knew it could be. It's a fairly easy road with my kids still so little—crazy busy and exhausting but they are all still so obedient and helpful and innocent that they make my job easy. It's a lovely time in our family and I hope to soak up these angel babies while they are young and gathered safely under my wing.

My little family made me feel very loved and adored with the sweetest gifts and notes from school and preschool: a handmade coupon book from Bentley (lots of free babysitting coupons!), hand print mold from Olivia, and a pretty plate Cares colored/decorated for me. Joseph made this cozy blanket too which was a huge surprise—I love it!


And then there was a bunch of yummy food all prepared by Joseph. He is pretty handy in the kitchen—I need to put him to work in there more often!
 buttermilk waffles with homemade buttermilk syrup
 and white lasagna with veggies and my favorite bechamel sauce 
(authentic Italian recipe from Mary's mission...yummmm)

Lots of love and a happy day for this mama.

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