Monday, March 31, 2014

And I'm 35

Another milestone birthday for me as it puts me closer, much closer to the big 40. But I just really don't feel sad or awkward or weird about getting old (yet :) I feel really good, have been exercising consistently for 2 years straight (hurray for no pregnancies getting the better of me!) and I feel like my heart and lungs are stronger than ever even if I'm not as trim and tight as I was before having 4 babies.

At 35 I have an amazing marriage and the best partner I could have ever asked for. I have the best circle of women around me in my ward—one that I've lived in for almost 10 years—and as people have come and gone I've learned to love my neighbors, and those who worship with me, and especially the women who serve with me in church callings. I feel like more of a homebody than ever simply because I relish my time to just be here with my littles playing. It's fading fast so I am trying to sit back and soak it in. I love to take care of my busy little family and feel so happy with them all nestled under my wing. It's a good time of life, a really good time of life.

I have spent a year and a half in my calling as YW president and I feel like I have learned so much from it. I am learning to love in ways I hadn't before, learning to connect and communicate better, learning to listen to the spirit in any quiet moment I can find to think of ideas and offer prayers and ponder the Gospel and how to serve my young women. I feel much more empathetic to the girls and especially their moms who are fighting their own battles and needing my love and prayers just as much. I am finding beauty in so many of the littles things around me and am reminded of God's love for those girls, and me, on a daily basis. It has been amazing to sit in ward council meetings and see how much time and worry and devotion these good leaders spend on behalf of others and humbling to see how incredibly blessed I am when others in my ward are suffering so deeply. These are things I was oblivious to in the past and now that I know, I can't help but feel more grounded, more content, and more eager to help in the small ways I can. I love being in this calling because it requires so much from me—and that is namely how I learn and stretch and grow. Yes, I am quite comfortable here at 35 and ready for another year of bettering myself in small and simple ways and enjoying this crazy beautiful life!

The day before my birthday I was feeling frustrated and a little annoyed at a few things and my lovely friend Jessica showed up at my door with this cute bundle of gifts for me as an early birthday gift. My mood shifted right away and I felt so grateful that her impromptu visit made me feel loved and just happy right when I needed it.

My birthday morning wouldn't be complete without breakfast in bed! Joseph brought me McDonald's because it meant no dishes for me to do once he was off to work :)
 Livs let me do her hair however I chose—might have to know Livs has strong opinions about her hair and most days makes me do a ponytail which she'll just take out about an hour later :) 
I went for the classic crown braid (I loved this when I was a little girl!)
 I fit in an afternoon run once the big kids were home from school using my newly upgraded iPhone and the Nike+ app which Joseph was telling me forever ago I'd love. I do. It's a great tool to use along with Strava as they track and work differently although both are great.

Then my gracious big sis grabbed my kids from me around 3:30 so I could get ready and head to the Draper temple for sealings with this awesome group:

Mary brought a bunch of family names which always makes those so cool. I loved hearing the unique and endearing names and thinking of Joseph's ancestors. Mary and Seth even did the sealing for Joseph's great aunt and her husband which was really tender—that's just his Nanny's sister! Such a close connection and what a glorious reunion because of that sealing—I could just feel it as we sat in that beautiful sealing room.

Our cheesy picture outside the temple :)

We had dinner at Tepanyaki in Lehi with my parents before calling it a night—it was a really good day and fun to have a chill, easy morning and then some fun plans in the afternoon and evening. Birthdays are so funny as an adult because they are this hyped up special day that we have have to make special amid all the regulars of life! Livs was scolding Luke at one point in the day (in a very sweet, high-pitched, motherly voice) saying "Luke you aren't supposed to be grumpy today! Don't you know it's mom's birthday? Why are you being such a grouch?" It was pretty sweet that she was looking out for me although I'm sure she had her moments that day too :) I'm honestly very spoiled on my birthdays by my husband and I have an awesome family of parents and siblings and all my in-laws as well as many great friends who always make me feel loved. There is nothing else I could ever need and I know I'm truly blessed!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

great thoughts on this time of your life. 35 seems like a good fit