This has been such a grand year—as you get older you just get better and braver at everything! Some examples: water-skiing for the fist time in Powell, zip-lining through the haunted woods with Dad, trying all kinds of food and eating way more exotic things than I ever do :), riding fast and far on your bike, running your first full 5K and making your first basket during a b-ball game.
I love your sense of adventure and discovery—makes you Dad's perfect buddy for all sorts of things. I love your creativity and incredible mind and how you use them often as you learn, build, and play. I love your happy smile and all your crazy faces and your long, lean legs. I love your Lego ships which span the entire room and your daily basketball practice out front. I love your tender heart and your friendship with your sisters and how you love to kiss and rub Luke's soft head a hundred times a day (I do too :)
Thank you for being my stellar oldest child and for loving all of us in this family so completely. Thanks for making me beyond happy from the very first moment I met you and for making me laugh so much every day since. You are an amazing kid and such a good example to all your sibings of being obedient, dedicated, kind and helpful. I love you forever darling boy!
Bentley is a good kid and Also max's pseudo older brother. Hope his day was great!
Precious letter.
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