Friday, September 16, 2011

Thoughts Today and Last Year

--The air tonight is intoxicating. An incredible rainstorm brought along crispy cool temps and we are safely below 60 degrees. Love, love.

--Joseph is at a wedding shower for a darling young cousin of his and since we have wedding festivities for her next week, I opted to stay home with the kids and save ourselves a babysitter. But now that everyone is finally in bed I am worn right out. That bedtime gig with 3 kids who all need me at once is a killer. I am so lucky those kidlets have a great father who shares that task with me every night. Somedays I think that's all I ever needed in the man of my dreams...

--I picked up a few new things at Old Navy today for myself. I am determined not to invest in anymore maternity clothes but still needed some basics that will fit nicely over this belly of mine. I even needed a plain white t-shirt of all things because the lone maternity one I put on today just does not work anymore. It is 7 years old though--it's paid its due.

--I was honestly unprepared for how hard a 4th pregnancy would be (and maybe it's just me). The first 3 were awful in the beginning and then actually quite awesome right until the end. That is simply not the case this time around. I felt sick for waaaay longer, feel huge already, have so little energy, feel pains and throbbing where a girl should never hurt, and take on too much for my exhausted body. My state has mostly convinced me to never, ever do this to myself again. That and the fact that 3 kids already push my limits--I hope I am ready for 4!

Some pictures from September 2010. I love Caroline's short hair and the pics she took of me. I do miss the version of me I see sitting there, but take great satisfaction in the cycles of change and adjustment and growth that are happening and will continue to happen in my life--physically and in other areas too. A huge reason why I blog is to capture my life and my family in all our different modes and ages so that as we grow and change we have plenty of pieces to look back on and cherish.


Kristin Sokol said...

Oh Carrie...May I just comiserate with you for a minute about being pregnant. It is hard. Sometimes very hard. It' never seems fair. Just remember how hard your body is working germinating a new life in there. It's tempting to be frustrated about being exhausted when you don't feel like you've done anything worth being exhausted over. Just because you are not working with your hands, doesn't mean you are not working. Your body is working night and day on this babe of yours so...just remember that and cut you a little bit of slack.

Here is my best attempt to comiserate with you.

Then check this out and it will probably all seem worth it.

Love your efforts. Keep up the good work.

Bobbi said...

Love the old pics--2 beautiful girls! Sorry this pregnancy isn't so easy, Carrie. All of you girls are so brave to have children when it is such a big sacrifice for you physically (as well as all the rest of the work after they arrive). Some pregnancies are harder than others--I don't know why. I am glad you aren't nauseated any more, at least. Hang in there! New clothes are always helpful for cheering up!

Heidi said...

I don't even know how to respond to having a husband around most every night to help with bed! I guess that is not something I needed in this life?

I have never even seen that chair in your room, crazy.

Krista said...

I have been thinking about your post here for a couple days. It is so sweet and honest. It is hard this 4th for me too. I feel like my body is telling me it is so tired and other parts aren't functioning as well either. :) like don't tell but I told my dr. that my water was leaking, then she said, no, you are just peeing your pants. oh...awesome. That's embarrassing.

I'm excited for you though and I had a reality check the other day when I was counting down the weeks/ seemed so far away. I have to have a growing belly for many more moons it feels like. It is a major sacrifice. I hope you have a good day and some of those exhausting feelings dissipate for at least an hour. ;)

Anonymous said...

So sorry it is so hard. I wish I could be more of a help! What can I do? Does Liv want to live with us for a couple days each week? Connor talks about her constantly so he would be thrilled!

The next few months will be busy and fun with holidays galore and before you know it, little nugget will be here. Just remember to sit down as much as possible and soak up the miracle that is inside you.

Flori said...

Yeah, my 4th was the hardest for sure. It was my first after age 30 too. So I don't know if it's that I was getting older or that it was my 4th and everything was just tired and stretched out. Seriously glad, but cannot believe how many times my mother did this. Amazing, huh?