There are some tender emotions being dealt with by my parents these days over things they were already trying to handle before the death of my grandpa added fuel to the fire. I am hoping the company of these beauties eased their sadness some. And that it continues to do so.
Mom and Dad--we love you.
Miss Sadie was present but not to be disturbed during her evening slumber.
In 2008, when my Dad turned 60, he and my mom had 5 grandchildren.
2 years later they have 10. Incredible how we are growing!
Back row: Will (C&C's), Olivia
Front row L to R: Max (H&B's), Caroline & Bentley, Maddie & Connor & Ethan (C&C's) and Mason (T&S's) in Eth's lap
And isn't amazing that they are all healthy little (or big) babes? All of them are a blessing in each of our lives.
It did help--immensely. Those children are pure joy. Their funny things, their naughty-pants things, and their sweetness is all a delight to us. And having most of our dear children and spouses around was strengthening, too. Thank you for all the efforts to support us. It has been a challenging month or so, but we feel blessed and grateful.
Oops, that was Bobbi. I guess Heidi was still logged on my computer--sorry!
Carrie, you are such an insightful and caring daughter. Your thoughts and open expression of love and understanding for us and our situation moved me to tears. Those kids are truly beautiful, and they are so full of potential. I pray for them and for you too.
Those kids are so much fun to be around. I am so glad we could all gather at Mom's for more family time. It was good to see Mom and Dad smiling that night.
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