On Monday night we had 2 extra guests for our Family Home Evening--my niece and nephew Maddie and Ethan. Their little brother took a nasty fall on the playground during recess so his mommy spent a good 5 hours at the hospital with him--and yes, he soundly broke his arm...poor guy! Daddy Chad was out of town during the escapade so Joe and I felt lucky enough to help out and gain some extra kids for the evening. I think I need Ethan around for every FHE--he kept my kids attention so well and was an awesome helper and question answerer (that's a phrase...right?)
That's right--not the large or even the extra-large--the giant.
I don't know how I managed to do that but the kids thought it was hilarious.
(and I love Bentley's face in the picture)
And today Livies worked on tummy-time. It is not a favorite of hers so I enlisted my back-up troops to help keep her happy:
Okay Ben and were both dying over Bean's reaction face to the pizza- that kid knows when to pull out all the stops! His face in the top photo is pretty great too.
Fun to have extra cute kiddies around for FHE. How can I get that to happen to me?
Adorable! Bean has the perfect face! He's a crack-up. It's nice for Livie to have 2 entertainers while she is growing up. And lucky Ethan, Willy (the necklace and pictures they made for him) and Maddie to have loving cousins and Aunt and Uncle nearby to help out. Love the pizza picture!!!
Why do I have to keep checking your blog to see Bean's awesome facial expressions?!! Oh how that kid makes me laugh.
PS- are you at Lagoon today?
All I can say is thanks. You and Joe were lifesavers and my kids were thrilled to do FHE and big pizza night with you.
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