Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Belly

Wow. There it is folks--at 35 weeks in the making. I saw my lovely doc today for a good old fashioned pelvic exam. And things are actually happening down there. Turns out that Braxton-Hicks and I are old friends. But as long as my contractions are serving a purpose then they are most welcome :) As of today, I am 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced...which could mean anything really.

Anybody want to make a prediction of baby's birthday?


Krista said...

March 3rd. You look hot, momma! What is the prize by the way. There always has to be a prize for the one closest right?

Anonymous said...

I am going to guess close to Eth's birthday, since that is what you originally thought when you found out your due date. Feb 28th.

Now you are definitely looking prego. I am getting so excited for you!!! Come join me on the next phase of this process!

Heidi said...

I am going to guess Eth's exact birthday because sharing birthdays is cool! he he he

I think you need to come enjoy the SG sun before baby comes, being out of town will for sure get you in labor ;-)

Bobbi said...

Since RuthAnn and Neil are going on a cruise on the 22, I will guess the 23 of Feb.! You look great, Care.

Jess said...

I hate you because I am sure you will come early just like always. I never dilated or became effaced until the day Porter came and that was with help:) So I am going to guess February 15th.

Anonymous said...

March 1. No reason, but I hope I win the contest! Good luck with the last weeks!

Carol said...

And what a GORGEOUS belly it is!!!

Kristin Sokol said...

The belly is very flattering on you. You look darling. I know you probably feel trapped underthere, but don't worry you'll be able to rollover in bed again very soon.

Audrey said...

CUTE BELLY. How bout a valentine baby.

Em said...

how exciting, even though my belly was so hard to carry i loved how big it got, the belly rocks and you look so cute.

Mariposa said...

I'm going to guess...um....May. best of luck, darling. Hope being 8 weeks overdue doesn't get you down. ;)

J.R. and Meg +3 said...

You look darling! Enjoy these last few weeks with just two little kiddos:).

Joseph said...

I guess the 18th :)