I heart Disneyland. It really is the happiest place on earth. Okay, I know, it is such a cliche. But, I do love it there. This was the very first time I had been there as a mommy and let me just say that I had a ball! It was so much fun to see the looks of awe and wonder on my children's faces, especially Bentley's. Each attraction and each section of the park is just so cool and so well made--long rides, exquisite details, tons of character and just so happy and bright. When we first walked in, the band was playing on Main Street and when Bentley and Cares saw Mickey Mouse dancing alongside them and then leading the music, they got so excited and simply couldn't believe that Mickey was just right there in front of them! And hanging out with Marshall again after so many months away was really great too. I loved looking over at him as we waited in line or figured out plans and seeing him standing with his perfectly tall posture and at times, resting in his classic Marine stance--legs shoulder width apart and hands clasped behind his back, still as a statue. And other times he'd be so full of energy and smiling and laughing with my kids--so fun to see both sides of him and just enjoy his company.

We also had a wonderful time with Tom, Megan and Breck LeBaron who actually got us into the park in the first place. Our kids totally entertained each other as we waited in line and it was fun to visit with them one on one. Thank you again and again Tom and Megan--you really were so patient with our chaotic plans that day!

Anyway, we had an amazing day at the park and after 9 hours and 1 very naughty Caroline tantrum (inspired by her innate desire to tear open and play with everything she saw at the Disney Princess store--can't blame her right?!) we were finally ready to leave. The park was super busy that day but we did manage to take the kids on Pirates of the Caribbean (which Cares was very quiet on but very unsure about the entire time), The Jungle Cruise, Autopia, Dumbo and the Sleeping Beauty Carousel. Joseph and I also used our fast passes to ride Indiana Jones while my parents played with the kids, and another time we took advantage of Tye and Stacey's aunt and uncle skills and left them with Cares as we rode Splash Mountain with Bentley. I have to admit that was my favorite part of the day. My family had a "log" all to ourselves and so Marshall and Joe sat in the front with little Bentley right in the middle, in front of me, and then grandma and grandpa in the back. Anytime we got a little splash Bentley laughed with so much delight. And when we plummeted down the big hill at the end and got soaked on our right sides, Bentley was just so amused and very excited. That kid of mine is pretty brave--he wasn't even fazed by the steep drop! At the end of the day Joseph and Bentley rode Big Thunder together while Cares and I rested and snacked on popcorn in the shade. My little boy ended up thinking that was the coolest ride ever and told me all about how very fast it went and how his little bum kept lifting up off the seat whenever they went down a hill--so cute!!
outside Pirates of the Caribbean
3 kids enjoying their lollipops!
Pooh's honey pots right by Splash Mountain
Turns out to be a great spot for entertaining a toddler while her parents are on a ride. Oh, and some teenage girls saw Cares playing with Tye and Stacey there and just fell in love with her and took their picture with her--we heard that Cares struck quite the coy pose for them...but of course!

So, after all of that, we are planning on heading back in about 2 years--who's in?