Here's to my sister-in-law Stacey (the only "sister" who is officially a Smith these days!) I am hoping we can get her started in the blogging world someday so we can see how she and Tye are down in Phoenix :) She did have lunch at Fashion Square today so I know she has found a key location in that city--seriously I love that mall but that is for another blog, another day...
I think my favorite memory with Stacey would have to be our entire girls' weekend together this past April. It was so fun to hang out with her and enjoy each others company without hubbies or kids to distract

us. We all chatted so much on our drive down to St George that I could hardly believe we had been in the car for 4 hours already when we arrived. Our time together just reaffirmed several things I already knew and loved about Stacey: She is one sophisticated lady. I love shopping with her (somehow we always end up at Nordy's or TJ Maxx) because she works full time and gets to have one classy wardrobe. It is so fun to see her in pencil skirts and blouses, tailored sweaters and

patent leather heals, etc... I love that Stacey is a very hard worker and studied like crazy to become the amazing accountant she is today. I love to talk to her about money and bills and she how perfectly organized she is with her finances (Joe wishes I would listen harder and even take some notes :) I have always thought that Stacey is very brave and determined, especially when dealing with my brother and his crazy habits and strong personality. She is a great fit with him and I am so happy they have each other. I will never forget how emotional Tye was when he saw his stunning bride come walking down the aisle--I know he is still totally in love with her.
I love how much attention Stacey gives her nieces and nephews and how

they are attracted to her calm and gentle nature. Last year in Lake Powell, she spent a lot of time with little Bentley digging big holes in the sand, walking hand in hand on the beach and having many conversations about "Kunkle Tye." I am excited for her to experience motherhood in the future because I know how tender and loving she will be. Stacey is a great example to me in many ways and I am thrilled that she is part of our family. Happy Happy Birthday Stacey!!
That is a great tribute to Stace! I too really anjoyed our time in SG this past srping, hopefully we will get to do that again in the future. Happy Birthday Stace!
You captured Stacey so well! My birthday blog to her will sound pretty similar but she definitely deserves a shout-out because we love her (although I am slow to get it posted but I should get to it later today). Happy B-day Stacey!
Nice job, Carrie. Stacey is a jewel, and we love her!
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